Dominique [the Book Vault] is the winner of the contest. I will contact you soon. Thanks everyone for participating. Another contest is on its way.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Author Review: Jody Gehrman
Name: Jody Gehrman
Age: 36
Best-Known book: Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty
1. Why did you want to start writing?
I can't even recall, really; I've just always done it.
2. Fave Author
Really, it depends on my mood (classic or comedic, dark or fluffy). Some of my favorites are Vladimir Nabokov, Jane Austen, Helen Fielding, Nick Hornby. In YA: Maureen Johnson, Scott Westerfeld, Megan McCafferty, Louise Rennison.
3. Fave Place to Write
In my writing room. There's a hummingbird feeder in front of my window that keeps me entertained while I'm finding the next sentence.
4. Fave Food
Ice Cream.
5. Fave Book Blog
Hmm...that's a tough one. I bounce around a lot.
6. Fave Article of Clothing
Right now? This little black tank top that's comfy yet flattering.
7. Describe Your Room.
My boyfriend built our bed; the headboard and footboard (is that what you call it?) are both wave-shaped. It's got white walls and periwinkle trim (the only room in our house that's painted white!) It's sunny, small and sweet.
8. Did you imitate the characters in your book from people in your life?
Not really. They're composite characters; little pieces come from friends and acquaintances, but then each one takes on a life of her own.
9. What Book are you reading now?
I just stared My Most Excellent Year.
10. Do you like to write on the computer or in paper? Why?
I do outlines and notes by hand at first, but I compose the actual book on a computer. The computer is good for editing on the fly and really getting each sentence right, but writing by hand helps me think through the stickier issues.
11. Who are you most like: Hero, Amber, or Geena? Why?
Geena, probably, though there's a little of me in all the characters. Geena and I share a certain perspective on the world and we both love words. She's got a funny mixture of confidence and insecurity. I think we've got that in common, too.
12. Fave Coffee Drink:
I'm moody. Somedays I like mochas, other cappucinos, still others I'll go for a caramel macchiato. I crave variety.
13. Fave Part about being an author and Why?
Sometimes I just sit around and try to imagine my book in people's hands. I picture readers lying by the pool, sitting on airplanes, waiting in doctor's offices, all of them reading my words, and it gives me this indescribable thrill. After writing for so many years with an audience of mostly family and friends it's mysterious and wonderful to be reaching strangers, touching their imaginations in some way.
14. What would you say to a teen trying to get a novel finished and written? One who is trying to actually get it published?
Write what you love as often as you possibly can and don't let anyone who trivializes your work get too close to you. Take yourself seriously in terms of the amount of time and energy you give to it, but also let there be pleasure and a sense of whimsy in your writing life. External validation is always a blast, but it's the delight you take in the writing itself that will keep you coming back.
15. Anything that you'd have liked me to ask??
No, those were great questions!
Coke or Pepsi Coke
Snickers or Kit-Kat Snickers!
L.A. or N.Y.C. NYC, though I'm a native Californian...
Roses or Daisies Roses
Writing or Reading Writing
Dogs or Cats Cats
CoverGirl or Maybelline Maybelline I think
Texting or Calling Texting, usually
Butterflies or Fireflies Fireflies
Cooking or Take-out Take-out
Flip-flops or Tennies Flip-flops
Last One: What is the number 1 item to have with you at all times during the summer?
A fabulous hat.
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 9:47 AM 4 comments
Labels: Author Review
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
9. Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 12:13 PM 1 comments
Labels: Book Review
Monday, June 16, 2008
8. Confessions of A Triple Shot Betty
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Book Review
Author Review: Tina Ferraro
Name: Tina Ferraro
Age: (my agent won’t let me answer this!)
Best-Known book: Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
1. Why did you want to start writing?
Because I didn’t know any better! J I was 7 and it was fun!
2. Fave Author:
I love the books that my critique partner, Kelly Parra, writes.
3. Fave Place to Write:
Here at the computer!
4. Fave Food:
Thanksgiving dinner: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie...
5. Fave Book Blog:
The two I participate on, YA Fresh ( and Buzz Girls (
6. Fave Article of Clothing:
My “Stressed Out” sweatshirt.
7. Describe Your Room:
Well, my room being my office...two computer stations, a long, cluttered table, a couple couches, bookshelves and a treadmill.
8. Did you imitate the characters in your book from people in your life?
Not directly, no, but definitely there are stereotypes.
9. What Book are you reading now?
WAKE by Lisa McMann.
10. Do you like to write on the computer or in paper? Why?
Computer. My brain and my fingers are fast!
11. Where did your inspiration for “Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress”?
I saw a book called 101 THINGS TO DO WITH A BRIDESMAID DRESS and it started me thinking...what if it was a prom dress? An UNWORN prom dress. What if the guy dumped her 27 hours before the prom... And away I went! J
12. Are you at all like Kate DelVecchio? Were you inventive/creative as a teen?
NO! Kate and I are polar opposites. She’s directed and calm and methodical, and I’m, um, not. And as a teen, yes, I was very creative, writing stories and inventing games. My friends thought I was a bit weird (but they loved me anyway).
13. What is a bit of the plot from The ABC’s of Kissing Boys?
Parker Stanhope doesn’t make Varsity Soccer with all her JV friends. She devises a crazy-but-might-just-work scheme to encourage the coach to promote her, which requires her to kiss the socks off the prom king at the sports fair.
14. What would you say to a teen trying to get a novel finished and written? One who is trying to actually get it published?
I would tell her/him to remember that storylines are done again and again and again, but your voice is what makes it special. So play with your voice, take risks and have fun, and you can’t go wrong.
15. Anything that you’d have liked me to ask??
How about what’s my favorite TV show? I’m a LOST junkie!
Coke or Pepsi: Tough one--I like Coke Classic and Diet Pepsi
Snickers or Kit-Kat: Snickers
L.A. or N.Y.C.: I see the beauty in both.
Roses or Daisies: Roses (‘cause they’re romantic)
Writing or Reading: Writing on good days; reading on bad
Dogs or Cats: I am a cat lady!
CoverGirl or Maybelline: Maybelline, ever since I learned models use their mascara
Texting or Calling: Both, but I’m a slow texter
Butterflies or Fireflies: Fireflies because I like the night!
Cooking or Take-out: Easy, take-out because I hate to cook
Flip-flops or Tennies: tennis, unless I’ve just had a pedicure!
Last One: What is the number 1 item to have with you at all times during the summer? driver’s license?
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 7:07 PM 6 comments
Labels: Author Review
Sunday, June 15, 2008
7. L8R G8R by Lauren Myracle
Then the senior prom comes and nobody will ever forget that. Angela and Maddie get kinda mad at Zoe because she won't stick up for them against Jana and Doug gets mad at her because she won't stick up for herself. She may have some issues to sort out there. Do you think she can do it? You'll just have to read and find out!
Sorry this review is so short. I'm just kinda out of it today. The next one will be longer. I PROMISE!
RATING: 3.5 stars
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 3:13 PM 2 comments
Labels: Book Review
Monday, June 9, 2008
The First Contest!!!! Wh-HOO!
Ok, so anybody interested can sign up for this one. Tina Ferraro, author of 'How to Hook a Hottie' and '10 Uses for An Unworn Prom Dress', has let me host a contest for her. Please post a comment and tell me about your 'DREAM' prom, your preference of either of her books, and your name and email address. Thanks for participating. This contest ends on June 22nd. Thanks
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 10:34 PM 31 comments
Labels: Contest
Author Review: Rachel Paige Myers
ok, so this is my very first author review. Check her out at She's so good!!
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 12:27 AM 2 comments
Labels: Author Review
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Summer Vacation
Guess what?
SUMMER is here! Summer vacation! Yay, I'm so glad. School had gotten so dramatic and unbearable. Now I've got 10 weeks of summer vacation. 10 weeks to re-invent myself before school. 10 weeks to chill out and just have fun. I'm so excited. Reading, my summer job, volleyball, and my friends are my main priorities right now. I'm really glad too.
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 10:50 AM 3 comments
Labels: Just About Me
Thursday, June 5, 2008
6. TTFN by Lauren Myracle
Zoe gets a new job and guess who else works there? Doug. You remember Doug. Doug, Angela's Doug. Of course, he's not really Angela's Doug, since they were never together; he only pined for her. She never accepted him and just turned him down over and over. He got over it. Now he likes Zoe. Zoe likes him back. Angela doesn't know this. So she called Doug, one night, drunk and sad. She told him that now she was ready. She wanted him and would kiss him if he were there. She was feeling lonesome and watching 'A Cinderella Story' isn't fun by yourself. Doug was confused. Hadn't Zoe told her about him? He told her that they were together and Angela was furious.
She decides not to talk to Zoe and becomes even more lonely in California. Towards the end, Glendy [:(] pushes Angela to the edge and she pulls a stunt that she normally wouldn't have. Zoe and Doug do something that isn't exactly Parental Approved, and Maddie gets caught. Caught doing what, you ask? You'll just have to read it.
RATING: 4 stars
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 9:13 PM 1 comments
Labels: Book Review
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Coming Soon
Okay, everyone.
Got your attention? Good. My very first, extremely anticipated (at least by me...and her) author interview is coming on Monday, June 9th. I will post a review hopefully every Monday after that, but I am starting with.....*drumroll-bum bum bum ba da da da bu bum bum* Ms. Rachel Paige Myers. She is an extremely amazing soon-to-be-published author, which is why I picked her. I wanted to start with something different. I didn't want to start with a fabulously-known author, who everyone else has interviewed. No, I wanted her. Her book, Unfortunately Magnificent, is great so far, at least what I've read. Anybody who wants to check it out can use my friends on myspace (she's in there) and Trust me, you won't be sorry. To check her out even more, you can come check out my blog on Monday to see her review. Thanks!
P.S. You can come and check it out before Monday too, because I will most definitely have some more book posts, starting with the rest of the TTYL series.
C Ya!
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 11:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: Author Review
5. TTYL by Lauren Myracle
TTYL has always been one of my absolute favorite summer books. I promised myself that I would reread it before I posted it as a blog. So I did. I reread it today. I read it today, because today was the third to last day of school. Tomorrow we are going to a waterpark as our end of the year field trip and on Friday we will spend the day sitting around, signing yearbooks, and planning our summer as we flit from class to class.
TTYL takes place in the sophomore year of Angela (SnowAngel), Zoe (zoegirl), and Maddie (mad maddie)'s. The entire book is written in IM, which makes it that much more fun and easy to read. Seriously, if you get into it, you'd find yourself falling in love with the characters and realizing that there's some of them in all of us. Zoe, the shy brainiac, keeps the other two from killing each other and is so sweet nobody would expect that she has an 'affair' with a teacher. Angela is, well, boy-crazy, but we all can be a little bit, right? She falls for Rob, her Spanish partner. For a few weeks, Rob and Angela are perfect together. They go to parties together, have special dates, and even Zoe and Maddie are getting annoyed by all the talk that has been focused on Rob during their conversations. Then evil Tonnie begins to butt in and Angela can't accept that Rob is giving her a lot of attention. She thinks it's all Tonnie's fault, even when.... wait, I can't tell you about that. Can I? Anywayz, on to Maddie, Maddie has tried so hard to keep the 'winsome threesome' together until all of a sudden her arch-enemy, Jana, becomes her best 'friend'. She's skipping things with Zoe and Angela to hang out with her and she doesn't realize it.
Then one night, Maddie completely ditches Zoe and Angel, and she goes to a party with Jana. She looses it and does some regretable things. With a 10th grade year of seductive teachers, bad boys, and drama-loving queen bees, who wouldn't be in trouble? The real question is, will the 'winsome threesome' make it back together?
RATING: 4 stars
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Book Review
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
4. Confessions by Kate Brian
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 8:51 PM 3 comments
Labels: Book Review
Author Meme
I was tagged by Plenty of Paper (Heather) So I guess I should get started!
(ahem) these be the RULES
Link to the person that tagged you
Post the rules somewhere in your meme
Answer those questions
Tag six people in your post
Let the tagees know they’ve been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog
Let the tagger know your entry is posted.
#1. Who’s your all-time favorite author, and why?
It's gotta be Lauren Myracle. Her books are so funny. I hvae read TTYL and TTFN so many times I can't even count. I read Rhymes With Witches last summer and I thought it was so funny. All of these girls are so serious about the popularity theft...wait, I don't wanna talk too much about that. EVERYONE should read that book. It's hilarious. haha. I emailed her once when I was having a really bad day and she sent back and she was so thoughtful. She told me that I could get through it and that I shouldn't worry so much about other people. The people that care about me will always be there. I was really touched and now I can't wait for Bliss, her next novel coming out August 20th. I'm buying it as soon as I can.
2. Who was your first favorite author, and why?
My first favorite author is Eric Carl. When I first learned to read, I had 'A Very Hungry Caterpillar' by my bed every night. It was the first book I could read on my own. That was when I was about three and a half. Since then I've read....idk, thousands of books, but he will always be my FIRST favorite.
3. Who’s the most recent addition to your list of favorite authors, and why?
The most recent has to be Kate Brian. I've read a few of her books before this month (Sweet 16, Megan McGowan's Guide), but lately I've been OBSESSED with the Private collection. I'm serious, I started Saturday and I've already finished 1, 2, and 3. They're great. I'd recommend them to anyone. The mystery keeps you reading way into the book until it's the last page, and even then you want to grab the next one in the series and begin right away.
4. If someone asked you who your favorite authors were right now, which authors would first pop out of your mouth? Are there any you’d add on a moment of further reflection?
Kate Brian, Lauren Myracle, and Meg Cabot.... After a minute, I'd add Jodi Lynn Anderson, Alyson Nol, Ann Brashares, Lauren Halse Anderson, Lisi Harrison, Lurlene McDaniel, Aimee Friedman, Sarah Dessen, Cecily von Ziegesar, Zoey Dean, and the soon-to-be-published author of Unfortunately Magnificent
1. Steph (Reviewer X)
2. Tasha (And Another Book Read)
3. The Book Muncher
4. Muffins and Books
5. Book Bopper
6. Em's Bookshelf
Now I have to keep my promise and inform you ppl up there!
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Meme
Monday, June 2, 2008
3. Untouchable by Kate Brian
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 7:30 PM 1 comments
Labels: Book Review
Sunday, June 1, 2008
You've Been Tagged
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to the person who tagged you once you've posted your three sentences.
The nearest book was Invitation Only by Kate Brian. I reviewed it only two minutes ago. These are the 5th, 6th, and 7th sentences on page 123.
"I'd rather hear about your trip. Was it as amazing as it sounded?" Yes.
Now I've tagged you. Post it on your blog and send me a comment. Hehe
Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 8:49 PM 1 comments
Labels: Meme
2. Invitation Only by Kate Brian

Posted by Words Speak Volumes at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Book Review