Okay, people! I though this must be a joke, but nope. There she was all perky sitting in her seat a big cup of coffee next to her newly organized desk. Mrs. Blank (for security), my Freshmen Physical Science teacher, was ready. Ready to torture and rudely awaken the awaiting freshmen sitting at the tables in front of her. She then explained to us how this year would go and how there would be no way we could get by cheating the way that most of us did last year (not me, I didn't need to cheat) because we have tests/quizzes every Friday.
I have really survived my first day of high school unharmed, unless you count the matching blisters on the back of my heels from the cutest purple flats in the world. I however didn't have time to read at all and was officially about 20 minutes late to Health class with Mr. Blank (nope, no relation :D) because I had to refill the water machine for Student Council.
This week was a good one for me. I posted reviews for the following:
Anatomy of A Boyfriend by Daria Snadowsky - 4.5
Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen - 4.5
How I found the Perfect Dress by Maryrose Wood - 2
Secrets of My Hollywood Life by Jen Calonita - 3.5
Violet On The Runway by Melissa Walker - 4
Ambition by Kate Brian - 5
Legacy by Kate Brian - 4.5
Inner Circle by Kate Brian - 4
I am currently reading Fringe Benefits by Valerie Frankel. It's pretty good. I read it until ten last night when I went to sleep. I still can't believe I fell asleep at such an early hour. :)
My blog will be hosting a contest for a surprise author coming soon, plus an author review. Just stay posted.