Tuesday, July 29, 2008

11. Frenemies by Alexa Young

Frenemies is the story between two girls who used to be best friends. Avalon Greene is the fashion master at her school. If she says that bright red, ripped tights and olive green cargo shorts were a fashion statement, everyone would run out and buy tights to rip and cargo shorts for the next day. Of course, she would never make fashion a joke. She takes her job of mogul very seriously, calling out each classmate's fashion disaster and religiously reading fashion magazines. Friendapalooza, the ultimate bff bash, was planned by Avalon to celebrate the best-friendship between her and Halley. Except now that Halley is back from camp, it's almost like she slipped off the Earth for a bit, because no one in the world would ever wear that. Halley Brandon is back. Back from art camp where she spent the summer developing a new style all her own. Avalon rejects the style and Halley comes to that she and Avalon no longer have much in common.
To settle this debate, Halley and Avalon split everything down the middle. In the document labeled, GREENE-BRANDON SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT everything was outlined, because Avalon's parents were lawyers. PARAGRAPH ONE: Property. Avalon had set a box of Halley's stuff on her back porch and she'd like her things (vintage Vogues, glitter pens, and articles of clothing) back asap. PARAGRAPH TWO: School Grounds. Halley was allowed the far-left desk in the front row and Avalon would take the opposite in each of the classes. Halley hung out in the garden and Avalon got the lobby and the quad to hang out in between classes. PARAGRAPH THREE: Extracurriculars. Halley would keep gymnastics and Avalon would find another sport. PARAGRAPH FOUR: Social Life. Friends would be divided and Avalon would be the sole host of Friendapalooza. Though she would change the name. PARAGRAPH FIVE: Pet custody. Their shared puggle, Pucci, would switch twice a week.
Of course, agreements like this never totally work out. The girls still fought and everyone noticed. The only thing people wondered was when where they getting back together, because they couldn't fight like this for long. You'll just have to read it.
RATING: 4 stars